The Problem for Today’s Enterprise ...Transfer of Information
Smoked Salmon and IT Security by Calum Macleod Western European Director for Cyber-Ark Software. For those of you who may be complaining that the postal service stinks I may have the answer – Smoked Salmon and the cloud solution
Read more: The Problem for Today’s Enterprise ...Transfer of Information
Spamming Attacks X4 Since 2008
Clear My Mail is a hosted spam blocker. We run the protection software for you on our secure Internet clearing servers offering Hosted Anti Spam. Clearly My Mail which claims to be the world’s only guaranteed anti-spam company has revealed results of their quarterly spamming index for Q2 2008 but are they ready for the world of Cloud computing
Radmin Remote Administrator
Radmin (Remote Administrator) is the world famous remote control software which enables you to work on a remote computer in real time as if you were using its own keyboard and mouse. Cloud Computing
Radmin's Key Features:
Asentria Remote Site for Cloud Monitoring
Enable new services with remote site monitoring and telecom management products
New Antispam Technology for Linux Servers
New Antispam Technology for Linux Servers for Cloud computing
Spam constitutes over 80% of all email traffic, raising the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of messaging networks significantly in terms of hardware and software. COMDOM Antispam is designed for the requirements of ISPs and large organizations, radically lowering the TCO of network ownership by minimizing expenditures on hardware and network administration. COMDOM Antispam is priced aggressively and flexibly on a “per user” for SMB or “per CPU” basis for a large number of users.